Review of Pastor Greg

Pastor Greg (2005–2008)
This is just painful.
30 May 2019
I honestly don't get this show. Oh I get why it was made and all that. No I mean I don't understand why this would have seen the light of day. It's absolutely terrible in every sense of the word.

Pastor Greg is about a guy that discovers Jesus when in jail and goes on to become a pastor and these are all his wacky adventures trying to spread the word. Great set up but terrible execution. Greg Robbins plays the titular Pastor and I don't know if this is the way he is in normal life but he seems to play him as a big, but well meaning, buffoon. You know the type. The one that does everything wrong, messes things up usually for the laughs and then goes back and fixes the problem usually with the help of his friends? Yeah that guy. Problem is Pastor Greg comes off as the unlikable man-child type of this character that people just put up with because they have to.

No expense was spared in getting the finest of community theater and non-actors to play the rest of the roles. Nobody speaks like a normal person, all the child actors are terrible, more than once people are looking directly into the camera. Direction? What's that? Everything is so over the top stupid and scenes go on way way longer than they should. A great example is during their Christmas episode. Greg has a tray filled with fast food, he turns, trips and it spills all over the guy standing behind him. A guy who doesn't react and just stands there with a hot dog in his mouth, chips all over him and what looked like a baked potato complete with a fork on his shoulder. And throughout it all Greg is meekly trying to clean him off. The scene goes on forever.

I understand the desire to have a Christian type sitcom with broad humor. But is it asking too much to have one that is actually funny?
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