villain bad
1 June 2019
CIA Deputy Director Erica Shepherd (Jennifer Carpenter) is arrested for espionage after she was secretly blackmailed to surrender four operatives to the mysterious terrorist leader Tal. Three years later, FBI agent Will Keaton (Morris Chestnut) is forced to seek her help after a new coordinated attack. Will's fiancée was one of those killed by Tal three years earlier. Tal is just the tip of a very large iceberg.

There is a lot of bad standardized network writing and the Microsoft product placement does not help. I can push through all of that but it's a lot harder to push through a bad villain. The more Tal gets on screen, the less scary he is. It makes little sense for him to personally get involved in his schemes. She's literally pointing a gun at him and doesn't shoot. The villain doesn't need to be a character so early in the run. At least, leave that reveal to a season ending cliffhanger. While I like Carpenter, her performance is too one-noted. There are a few annoying little touches. The show lasted 13 episodes.
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