I Am Mother (2019)
Don't trust the bad reviews! They didn't understand the movie
8 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers

First I'll address some of the bad reviews and then I'll write a general review with some side-rant :)

The people who rated the movie poorly seem to have either not watched the film or lack some sort of basic intelligence. Most of the plot holes, issues or thing that "wouldn't happen" we're justified/justifyable. One person said that the robot was too dumb in the film and that real AI wouldn't be that dumb. Clearly that person failed to realize that everything that happened was the robot's intent. So if everything worked as the robot had intended, how does that make the robot dumb? The robot literally said to the woman in the shipping crate that she no longer served a purpose to her (the robot). As I was watching the film, I figured one of the scenarios was that the whole thing was a test for the girl and that in the end the girl passed. The robot's ultimate objective is to create a better human, one with ethical, moral, psychological and emotional superiority.

General Review: The movie is quite a good sci-fi movie. As a massive sci-fi fan myself and as an Aeronautical Engineer (specifically space related), I am both educated on some of the things presented in the film and interested in what is presented in the film. Obviously some of the things in the film are indeed science fiction, but nothing in the movie that I saw was impossible (great movies skate the line between fiction and reality, makes it more believeable). From start to finish, you, the viewer, are constantly debating who to trust, the robot or the human. The writers did a good job and allow the viewer to be warmed up to the robot and present the more human side of the robot. I think this is critical in helping develop the story because you need to trust the robot and if the film went straight into the action you wouldn't trust the robot at all. So after a brief introduction I'd say that as a viewer, myself, I was about 50/50. This lays the ground for the rest of the film. So as your human side and logical side battle , the movie continues to provide information that keeps you conflicted. As the movie goes deeper you begin to piece things together and the picture becomes more clear. At this point, where things click, you are beginning to see the moral dilemma (similar to the one provided in the film, now writing this and fully realizing, the film goes from a 9 star to 10). The human race is the dilemma. You have two choices. You can choose to not wipe out humanity and humans will continue to suffer or you can wipe out humanity and build a better human kind so that there is a greater benefit in the long run (think thousands of years, also related to Utilitarianism and lots of other ethical shizz). For example (similar to the film's logic), imagine 8 billion people in current times (somewhat discontent) vs. 8 billion people who are smarter, more ethical, more kind, more rational, etc... That would be a damn good world. This is the dilemma the audience arrives at as the film reaches it's climax. The robot is trying to build a better world at the cost of the old world. Is this ethical (there is no "right" answer)? The fact that they included the robot teaching the girl ethics confirms this idea. I thought it was strange that the robot was teaching this girl (presuming the character is supposed to be a teenager, but the actor is 21) such detailed ethics at a young age. In the film they mentioned Kantian ethics and such. Anyways, the whole idea of the film is sort of like arguing whether or not Thanos is a bad guy. From many ethical perspectives you can say that Thanos is actually in the right and from just as many ethical perspectives you can say the Avengers are the good guys. There honestly is no wrong answer, in my opinion. That's why I think this film was such a great film because it was so much more than a surface-level sci-fi film. All of the people who rated the movie bad didn't understand the underlying point of the film. These people just want a lazy movie that tells them what to think. I love movies that allow you to think for yourself and actually force you to do just that. The movie says (not literally): "create your own ideas", which is important in a society where people are constantly telling you how to think.
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