Swamp Thing (2019)
90 minutes B-movie dragged out to 10 eps.
16 June 2019
You get your actors playing doctor, badly.

You get some cheap jump scares, and monsters from Carpenters the Thing but CGI.

You get some generic evil corporate big bad.

You get some stereotypical uncooperative locals

You get rogue scientists whom are the only people in the whole country to discover something earthshattering even though evidence of it is all around. No one cares in this world, even if what they see with their own eyes is inconceivably strange.

But all of that could still work if you have interesting leads that you can root for. This has none. No charisma, no presence, oh so bland.

No wonder it is cancelled as it is not a cheap series to produce.

Lots of diehard fans rating 10/10 for no reason other than a form of protest to the cancellation.
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