Review of The Odds

The Odds (2018)
Satisfying low budget suspense with torture porn
26 June 2019
Woman plays a game showing how far she is willing to self-harm for a million bucks. Film is almost entirely about her interaction with the referee.

This is probably as low budget as anything-- basically one setting, two speaking characters, most gore is insinuated rather than shown, might have been filmed over the course of a week or less-- but they do a good job with the budget by making those choices, and while it might have a late-night Showtime feel to it, it's at least just a B-movie, not a C-movie; production values are still high.

As I said in the title, this is basically a suspense film, about character interaction, although there is some torture porn to it. The gore is mostly off-screen, but if you don't like gore, stay away. Character interaction is with a cookie-cutter misogynist, and I'd be willing to bet there are some deeply individual misogynists who would resent the portrayal; I guess they should probably stay away as well.

Acting is strong, but character writing is on the two-dimensional side and serves narrative convenience over strong characterization. It's no Streep vehicle. Still, good enough for this film.

I suspect some of the reviews here are from shills, people involved in production, but this isn't a bad film, acceptable for what it is, although very far from high art.
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