Seasons of Love (2012 TV Movie)
Don't overlook. It is good!
9 July 2019
This is a very good movie. Not your soppy Hollywood love story. I never hear of Raphaëlle Agogué, she is not only stunningly beautiful, but a superb actress. I don't know why French (and European) actors are so superior to American actors. But there is undeniable decline of the American actors to the point I don't watch american movies any longer. There are exceptions of course, like Breaking Bad, where all cast was superb. Nepotism? Lack of training? Take J.Aniston and B.Affleck as an example, who can't act at all. The extent of JA acting education was limited to high school. I found nothing about BA acting education.. May be absence of formal education and training explains that? Take Raphaëlle Agogué. From 1992 to 1996, participated in theater training at the workshops La Grange in Quissac, with Christiane Lorenzo. In 1996 and 1997, she studied theater at the Nadine workshops in Nîmes . From 1997 to 1999, she took classes at the Municipal Conservatory of Nîmes, then, from 2000, at the Conservatoire de Montpellier , under the direction of Ariel Garcia-Valdès . No wonder she is a brilliant actress. All cast in this movie was excellent as the movie itself.
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