Review of 41

41 (I) (2012)
Don't think about it and maybe you'll like it
13 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This story had more holes than a swiss cheese. If you don't want to think too hard about what you're watching, it may be a pleasant low budget romp. Let's take a quick look at a couple ideas presented that you shouldn't question. One, how is this guy, who discovers a time travel portal in a motel bathroom floor, getting back into the room night after night WHILE the rooms are often occupied? No guest ever locks their doors or sees this guy trotting past them to get to their bathroom? How is the guy able to travel back to the time when his grandfather is a young man when the motel is clearly built later than the age he returns to? The idea of going back in time to save/bring back a loved one is a well-worn shoe. I believe even they point this out within the film. You'll be scratching your head over various plot points. Fagetabot it. It won't make sense.
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