Review of The Odds

The Odds (2018)
May I have one of those bullets please?
25 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If I had to choose to watch this movie again or put my foot in a box with a rat... Honestly, I'm probably going rat.

This had a good premise and the description reminded me of one of my favorites, Would You Rather, but the follow through was no where In sight.

I know it's a movie but the primary point of entertainment in these types of movies is precisely the idea that this COULD absolutely happen. Without that belief the movie loses all value. For example, there is no way someone is going to let someone drill screws through their foot or cut their damn fingers off for only a chance at a million dollars. There would have to be some guarantee of money at each level along with a real sense of players being eliminated. A guy just telling you they are eliminated would not be enough to push a person to make those choices. The only other way they do it is if it's by force but in this case the majority of the game is voluntary. Absolutely unbelievable.

Oh yea and no woman is going to be flirting in that moment and playing make believe. Hey how's your foot? Oh you like horses huh? Oh you can't have only one horse? Golly you are cute....stop... Are you kidding me? Who writes this garbage...

Also, why it took her 20 minutes of screen time to realize she could just point the gun at him I have no idea. That ending was painfully obvious. Painful because I had to watch the same setup of her pulling a trigger what felt like a thousand times all while knowing exactly how it would end. That was the real torture.

If you need a torture horror fix go rewatch Green Inferno, Hostel, Saw or maybe just talk to someone cause you might need help ;)
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