Entertaining movie with a conservation message.
7 August 2019
My wife and I watched this at home on DVD from our public library.

Because the story involves a white lion growing from a newborn to an adult male over a three year period, and a young girl, Mia, growing from about 11 to about 14, the movie was actually shot over a three year time period. So there is no substitution of characters, we actually witness the lion and the two kids growing up.

Mia lives with her dad, mom, and brother on a farm in South Africa, primarily raising then selling animals that otherwise would be in the wild. Like lions. One day dad brings home this tiny, cute white lion cub, and they call him Charlie. At first Mia is annoyed with the cub, wants him to leave her alone, but they eventually bond.

When Charlie is about to be sold Mia finds out the actual fate of most of the "trophy" animals, they are sold to become targets of big game hunters in a captive environment, still a legal activity in South Africa. Mia decides to take drastic action to try and save Charlie from that fate.

There is a good "extra" on the disc telling about the process and what had to be done to train the lion to become the young actress' friend and not eat her.
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