Avoid like the plague
18 August 2019
I don't mind bad horror movies, but this one fails on just about every level. I am a total loss as to how this is at a 6.6 and am left believing that the ratings are from associates of those involved in the movie's creation, if not down right purchased.

Clearly the creators were going for "so bad, its good", but what they ended up with was "so bad, why did they even bother?".

Every single person who contributed to the making of this nightmare should be completely ashamed of their actions and immediately go choose a different career.

Please do not pay to watch this, as it will only encourage the makers and contribute to the decline of quality bad horror.

I'd advise that anyone who had any hand in constructing this monstrosity, no matter how small, to sit through it again (if they can) and then go take a good long look in the mirror while thinking about what they have done. Are you proud of yourselves? You shouldn't be. Shame. On. You.
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