BH90210 (2019)
90210 is OK
25 August 2019
It's basically if you took 90210 and mashed it with Grosse Pointe, which was a short lived spoof on 90210, you would have this show. I've watched all 3 episodes out so far and not sure where this is going. I enjoyed the first 2 episodes, more for nostalgia sake, than anything else, as the writing was okay, and the acting of the supporting cast is bad, but by episode 3, the writing gets plain bad, and the acting of the supporting cast even worse. Which, was funny, part of the premise of episode 3 is a writer getting fired and the best thing for this show is if they fire all the writers and start over.

I'll go into positives first, and my reason for giving it a 7. The original cast is great. I can't imagine why anyone would be watching this other than for them. My favorite is the chemistry between Jennie and Tori. Their scenes together really sell the show. Acting-wise, Jennie I would say is the best. Seeing Carol Potter as a therapist is really cute, and it was fun to see her and comforting. Tori, while the weakest of the actors, why she worked on the show is her cute, silly factor. I really liked the whole trekking through Peru to find Shannon, that was actually funny. And her line asking what coach is on a flight. Very Downton Abbey. And I always had a soft spot for Andrea on the show, and the nicest of the cast in real life, along with Luke.

I'm sure the networks hope is this will sell a bunch of the old series, merch, and maybe it will launch into a new series. If they want to make this work my best suggestion is hire writers who were actually around when the show was on and are familiar with the show, and the actors, and the impact they had on society. I saw the writers room pic and everyone but the head writers look 25, and my thought was, "How do they know what this show is about?" They clearly don't. And, even if they didn't they're terrible writers. I watched some of the old series recently, and it's cute and cheesy. Basically, Disney Channel for people who've grown out of Disney. But that was comforting, and it was a good show, despite that. The writing on the new series, particularly on the 3rd episode, is Freeform level writing. I would have to think network TV still pays well, but maybe no one wants them anymore and are all shooting for Netflix or HBO.

The new concept of the cast playing themselves...could work, but there are only so many storylines you can really tap into. Would have been easier just to reboot as the original series, but it is sort of fun seeing the actors as sort of themselves. People they should get rid of is Christine Elise, Shay, and the redhead writer. They're not good actors. Shay is a terrible actor. Aside from that I don't buy she's Beyonce or Brian's wife. Christine's acting comes and goes, she looks nothing like she used to...and they have to keep repeating she's Emily Valentine 'cause no one remember who she is or probably cares.

I realize they only have 6 episodes to play with but the whole Gabrielle Carteris lesbian storyline is a bit rushed. Neither Andrea or Gabrielle would be so callous to her husband. It's a fun idea but the execution is not great. Frankly, their approach makes lesbians look like cold-hearted jerks, and not doing the community any favors. And Andrea is a favorite, no one wants to see her be a jerk. Gabrielle Carteris cried 'cause she missed her husband on the reality show The Surreal Life. I just don't see her being like, I have these feelings, I'm going to explore them, you don't like it? Tough cookies. Very have your cake and eat it too. It would have been better if they made her on the outs with her husband or having problems, then the bi-curious thing comes up. That makes her still likable. Her having a loving husband she's supposedly in love with, then she's going to do what suits her, not caring what he feels makes her unlikeable. Writing 101, which, again, why they should fire the writers.

The whole scene with Ian and the writer was super annoying. In real life, if he told some girl to get him coffee, she better get it, or at the very least, disappear. In real life, whether you like or not, they're god on set, and you would be fired, and if Ian really didn't like you, could tell every studio you're difficult and you never get hired again. The union doesn't protect you for not getting coffee. They're there to ensure you get paid and pay their dues, and hopefully not get sexually harassed, but even then they most likely won't do anything about it, as you can see why Harvey Weinstein got away with that craziness for so long. I have had an acting friend rat on a director for sexual harassment and he got fired, so, it is possible. But he was also a nobody. Then he compliments her eyes and she says it's offensive. Get a grip. Women and men LOVE compliments. It's the best way to start a conversation. The only people who don't like compliments are the ones who never get them. They don't like others getting compliments. All Steve Sanders has is swagger, then they're going to neuter him like a dog, so what is the point of him being there? Promoting offense over trivial things is not doing the MeToo movement any favors. It makes women look trivial. If you cry wolf at every little thing, no one is going to be there when it actually matters. Women need rights and protection, not to be coddled.

I hope the show gets better. I enjoy watching the original cast. The stalker storyline, while a good idea, doesn't have a lot of punch to it. There's no tension. Maybe they're a little too all over the place. Again, bad writing. And the dream sequence, total amateur writing. Another writing 101 of what not to do. And, we get it, every episode will open with a dream sequence of a different actor. Was fine the first time, but by ep. 3 it's getting redundant.

So, my overall rating is probably more like a 5 based on all 3 episodes. I made my rating after watching 2 episodes, and the show itself was really about a 6, but I gave it a 7 for my enjoyment value of seeing the original cast.
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