A summer of fun and learning
9 September 2019
"The Flamingo Kid" is a coming of age film that covers a single summer of Jeffrey Willis. In his job at an exclusive Long Island beach club the summer after his high school graduation, Willis sees a lifestyle that he would like to have. Taken under wing by one of the club members, Phil Brody, he sets his sights on money, getting ahead fast and success. That is as opposed to going to college and studying liberal arts among his subjects.

So, Jeffrey has a falling out with his dad over his choice. Arthur Willis is a plumber who provides well for his family. They live in Brooklyn and he has saved money for his son and daughter to have higher educations.

Jeffrey has a romance with Joyce Brody, niece of Phil and daughter of Phyllis Brody who doesn't have the same attitude as the rest of her family about mingling with club employees. The obvious translation is with anyone not of their higher class.

Something happens at the end of summer that opens Jeffrey's eyes and brings him down to earth and reality.

The cast are all good in their roles. Matt Dillon is Jeffrey, Hector Elizonda is his dad, Richard Crenna plays Phil Brody, Carole Davis is Joyce Brody, and Jessica Walter plays Phyllis. Several other actors have fine supporting roles, including some of the card-playing members of the club, and several parking attendants, cabana boys and others.

The film has a nice moral to it, and a look at class distinctions of the time and place. It also has some funny lines and poignant bits of dialog. Here are some favorite lines from the film.

Phil Brody, "I hate aspic." Phyllis Brody, "Oh, Phil, Lizzy worked all day on this dish. I read it to her from the New York Time." Phil, "I don't want anything on my plate that moves, hmmm! Right, Jeffrey?"

Phil Brody, "You ever hit by a bug going 180 miles an hour? Believe me, it's not a thrill. For you or the bug."

Phil Brody, "The point I'm making is the salesmen of the world make the money. Remember that."

Phil Brody, "See, Jeffrey my boy, God put certain people on the earth to give you money. And your responsibility in life is to go out there and take it."

Phil Brody, speaking of his father being discouraged one time, "And he sat there, and he looked at me. Do you know what he said to me? 'Phil, how many pounds of potatoes will I eat before I die?'"

Jeffrey Willis, "Dad, did you have potatoes tonight?" Arthur Willis, "Oh, yeah, boiled." Jeffrey, "How many potatoes do you think you'll eat before you die?"

Jeffrey Willis, "He says what he sees in me spells salesman." Arthur Willis, "What I see of you spells crap."

Jeffrey Willis, "Listen, pal, I'll have you know that I know jujitsu, karate, judo, and some other big words. So don't mess with me, all right?"

Arthur Willis, "I remember my father telling me there are two important things in life. He said, finding out what you do well, and finding out what makes you happy. And if God is smiling on you, they're both the same thing."
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