I Walk Alone (1947)
Douglas, Lancaster, and Scott - Noir written all over it
10 September 2019
Well, Hal Wallis sure could pick 'em. These are three of his finest stars.

Frankie Madison (Burt Lancaster) has just been released from prison after 14 years as "I Walk Alone" from 1947 begins. The film also stars Lizabeth Scott, Kirk Douglas, Wendell Corey, Mike Mazurki, and Kristine Miller.

Frankie is under the somewhat mistaken impression that he owns half the club that his old partner Noll (Douglas) now runs. When Frankie first shows up, Noll attempts to feel him out. He's friendly and sets Frankie up for a dinner with his girlfriend Kay (Lizabeth Scott).

Noll realizes that Frankie is prepared to use force to take what he thinks is his, so the situation becomes violent.

This is a tough noir with Noll playing dirty all the way. Douglas is great as a real slimeball. Kay tries to encourage Frankie to move forward, but Frankie soon finds himself with a murder rap over his head. He decides to fight Null with everything he's got.

Lancaster and Douglas are major hunks in this and both do a good job. Scott is beautiful and, after all, noir was her genre. She was perfect for it.

This movie was filmed on a studio city set and looks great. Really adds to the noir feel.

The end of the film is exciting.
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