Review of The I-Land

The I-Land (2019– )
A rare miss from Netflix
18 September 2019
After watching all 7 episodes in one day, this made me wonder "what was the point of making this?" This could have had a lot of potential but tried to hard to not be like "Lost" that it comes off as a cheap movie version of Lost. I think all the writers that were fired on Lost all got together, came up with all the ideas that didn't work, found the one executive in charge of programming at Netflix that never saw a single episode of Lost & convinced them to fund it. They even write in some blatant references to Lost in the first episode.

This show could have been done far more enticing things if it had been expanded to 13 episodes. They really could have amped up the mystery of what was happening if they had actual time to expand the whole story. Instead they give away all the mystery by the 4th episode and after that there was no point for the last 3.

Very disappointing for what it is and what it could have been.
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