Review of Ad Astra

Ad Astra (2019)
Why are people saying this is good.
18 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Movie rant. Sorry!

Ad Astra. Who is saying this film is good? Are you kidding me it rates on my top ten worst films of all time list.

Spoilers ahead, don't read if you're planning to see this god awful film.

Things wrong with this film.

Brad Pitt was pegged as some super dude, doesn't panic, heart rate doesn't go above 80 robot until he thinks about his dad. Then he becomes an emotional wreck.

On the way to Mars they have to stop and nip on board a space craft that's been taken over by angry space monkeys. The only reason this was here was to kill off the captain so that brad Pitt could land the space ship when things got bumpy (because the second in command was to scared to touch the controls?)

Throughout the entire film there was no feeling of the vastness of space. In fact it made it feel like Jupiter and Neptune were just down the road.

Moon pirates, what were they about? What was their goal when attacking them. Some suggestion of hostage taking which is weird cause it seemed like they were trying to kill them all?

You won't get to Neptune without me? Erm I'm pretty sure they would have and accomplished exactly the same goal. Guess you didn't need to kill them all after all brad? But it's ok because when you get back to Earth all will be forgiven, forgotten, well one of them.

The heroic leap from one space ship to another using a panel to deflect all of Neptune's ring rocks. Erm not sure that would work. Hold it gets better. I'm going to use the nuclear explosion to propel me home. Erm....... no.

Tommy Lee Jones after spending god knows how many years on the space ship trying to achieve his goal of finding aliens going so far as to kill his crew so that he could carry on. Just leaves without any fuss. Oh no changed my mind I'd prefer it if I just floated off into space. Ok dad see you later.

The upshot is this feels like one of those films that's a really slow build up with a massive twist at the end. However there's no massive twist. Nothing is really explained and all of it is really unnecessary. It just ends.

I developed no emotional attachment to any of the characters. The story arc is stupid, the acts the lead character accomplish are unbelievable and his part in the story was unimportant. (They would have gone anyway, found the ship, blown it up and the unexplained thing that was going to kill us all would have been stopped)

It is beyond me how it's rated so high and if anyone can explain what I missed or how this is actually a good film I'm willing to hear it.
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