Review of Mayday

Mayday (II) (2019)
Get ready for some high flying action!
22 September 2019
Director Massimiliano Cerchi and Writer Rod Smith bring the high flying action movie, "Mayday" to the screen. A routine flight from Los Angeles to London, is nothing routine. Mysterious power outages on the plane make the passengers disappear! An Air Marshal played by Hollywood Icon Michael Pare takes control and tries to find how to safely land and keep the remaining passengers safe! Obnoxious passenger Smokey played by Scott Engrotti goes from zero to hero and helps solve the mystery with Michael Pare, that plagues this flight! This ensemble cast reminds me of the great adventure disaster flicks of the 70's ...the Airport movies crossed with the Twilight Zone. It is such an original fun movie that leaves your breathless every time the lights flicker and then come on with another passenger gone. By using a airplane for the setting you create a claustrophobic atmosphere. The make matters worse it is an overseas flight. There is no turning back and everyone starts fearing there going to die. Tempers flare, paranoia settles in and level headed people start losing it! What happens and the conclusion will make your next flight a tense one and also your night after watching this! The movie is beautifully shot as every shot is planned out and really tells the story with such depth and suspense you feel your in that plane! The way the camera pans done the aisles and shows the terror and fear, this is a well made professionally done movie! Michael Pare proves he can still play the hero and is a pleasure to watch! Scott Engrotti is making a name for himself as a go to actor to help save the day. He is plays such a great character and plays it with such depth. You not only find yourself your embracing his performance once again but really see what a great actor Scott is. There is not one actor or actress that I can say did not tackle the roles with utmost professionalism. I really felt the terror in there eyes and there delivering of lines. Massimiliano did a great job directing from Rod Smith witty story. Couldn't ask for a better Dou! Bravo on all involved, they took a subject that has been done, but put a neat twist that really worked. A must see. Available on Amazon and everywhere, be sure to watch!

With Michael Pare, Sadie Katz, Elise Muller, Chanel Ryan, Scott Engrotti Michael Wainwright, Erik Landleth, Raj Kala, Christopher Drummond, Vincent Rivera, Berna Robert's, crystal Santos, Carlo Mendez, Jack Waggon, Wilfred Lopez.

Director: Massimiliano Cerchi Written by: Rod Smith
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