St. Elsewhere (1982–1988)
Am I Missing Something
25 September 2019
I didn't watch this show on its first run. I was pretty young, and was more interested in shows like The A Team, Knight Rider, etc... Over the years, I've watched many medical dramas, so now that this show is on TV, I'm giving it a shot. I'm watching a first season episode, and if this is the style of how they did it the rest of the run, I really don't get the glowing reviews. My main issue is there's not plot. Just a series of random things happening. Many shows will have storyline A, B, and maybe C. But this is like a series of skits set in a hospital, some of which look like they were supposed to be comedic, but really come across as unfunny. None of the leads are likable or memorable. Well, I'll watch the show off and on as they play it, and will update my review if my opinion changes. But I can see from this episode I didn't miss much.
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