I'd be very happy
4 October 2019
What would you do if you had a fortune and didn't know who to give it to come the day of your reckoning? And what would you do if you were the recipient of an unexpected fortune? This film explores some scenarios in a series of short stories on that theme all linked to a dying man's wishes.

The wealthy dying man is Richard Bennett (Glidden) and he's a bit over the top. He's dying for goodness sake and he's old. So, why is he so energetic and shouty? He's not well played when it comes to realism. The film starts with him and so it drags for a bit as we pray for him to stop endlessly blustering and shouting. He is occasionally funny but his cantankerous manner grates.

Story 1 - China Shop. Charles Ruggles (Peabody) is a clumsy sales assistant in a china shop who is married to nagging wife Mary Boland. His pay is continually docked as he keeps dropping items and smashing them. You can probably guess the outcome of this one but its still enjoyable to watch.

Story 2 - Prostitute. Wynne Gibson (Violet) works in a bar if you know what I mean. Her story is satisfying and stays with you even though it's short. It makes its point well but she is criminally overlooked and not mentioned in the cast list.

Story 3 - Forger. Criminal George Raft (Eddie) is up to his tricks scamming banks and withdrawing money with forged cheques. He gets given a cheque for £1 million. Guess what? Ha ha.

Story 4 - Road Hogs. A classic. All I will say is "Road Hog!" Starring WC Fields and Alison Skipworth as a husband and wife team.

Story 5 - Death Row. The first misfire. Gene Raymond plays a man waiting to be executed. His acting is terrible. Quite rightly, he has been omitted from the cast list.

Story 6 - Office Worker. Charles Laughton. Waste of time. Anti-climactic and pretty insulting as a story. Very short, very obvious and very pointless.

Story 7 - Marines. Gary Cooper, Jack Oakie and Roscoe Karns play three boisterous marines and it's Cooper who gets his $1 million. Unfortunately, it arrives on April Fool's Day. Well, these three jolly fellows prank around and clown around and need money to pay for some hamburgers and take out a girl.

Story 8 - Old People's Home. The longest story and it starts badly. This is just sentimental nonsense. Predictable but it has its moments.
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