El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie Review (Spoiler Free) .
11 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
El Camino was not only an amazing sequel to the series finale of Breaking Bad, but an amazing movie itself. The movie is set immediately after the events of Breaking Band's finale, showcasing Jesse Pinkman in his car, driving away. It brings back the familiar faces of characters like Mike, Badger, Skinny Pete, etc. It was full of suspense, having viewers on edge about what would happen to Jesse throughout the course of the film. The cinematography in this movie was amazing, there were so many beautiful shots that could be used as a wallpaper, both as a Breaking Bad fan or in general. It was slightly comedic, but very dark. The movie is filled with flashbacks and Jesse's memories of the Neo Nazis he was forced to work for, even showcasing his good/peaceful side that shows he doesn't want violence to be his first option, yet, he needs it to be one after everything he had been through. I was originally going to watch it in theaters, but I couldn't help myself, being a huge Breaking Bad fan myself. I believe you'd love this film, if you haven't watched breaking bad, then go watch it. The show had amazing writing, acting, directing, etc. This movie is less like long Breaking Bad episode, and more like a tribute to a character who needed more closure, it closes Jesse's story well. Vince Gilligan did well in creating a continuation to a series that ended amazingly. Again, a 10/10 from me. Tried to keep it as spoiler free as possible lmao.
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