So bad, it is good!
16 October 2019
One of the most horrendous films I have ever seen. And one of my favorite movies, for all the wrong reasons. Nothing gets more atrocious and hilarious than this!

Normally I divide my reviews into good, mixed and bad parts. But for this film, there's just good - very little of genuinely good and a lot of good things for all the wrong reasons. Genuinely speaking they are really bad, but as I didn't really hate them, I didn't want to call them as "bad".

Speaking of actual good, Robert Englund shows off his comic skills and goofiness really well. It's being done in a completely wrong movie. There are homages to Tom and Jerry and Looney Tunes. Again in a completely wrong movie. By the tone, you might have guessed it (correctly) that it's a guilty pleasure of mine. Now let me just say what were really good. As I said, Robert Englund has a really good comedic side to him, and he shows it off well. There are Looney Tunes references and are great in what they are. Also, it has the flashbacks of Freddy's past and we get to see the pre-boogeyman Freddy. I have always wanted to see a full fledged Freddy origins movie or a short film. So, I liked those parts. And that's all about it. The movie is an absolute trash. I can agree with that, though I like it. The comedic and slapstick parts were the totally wrong choices for a Nightmare film. Robert Englund might have shown his comedic skills, but Freddy doesn't have them. It is the worst incarnation of Freddy. They lost their balance between maniacal Freddy and goofball Freddy since part 4. Here, they went full on bonkers with goofball Freddy. The kills involve Freddy playing Nintendo games with power gloves to kill a moron, and literally says "boing, boing, ... boingboingboingboing". John Doe kill reminds me of a generic Road Runner episode with Coyote planning to kill the bird. And the Carlos kill is my favorite! Freddy simply scratches a blackboard and blasts the heads off! You need to see the reaction of Carlos in the entire sequence. If that doesn't make you laugh, nothing will. In fact, this movie is a complete package of laughter. So, what makes it so bad for so many people? Despite all of this, it takes itself seriously. While a lot Freddy fans get enraged by the seriousness, I get more of a laugh out if it. It's so atrocious that it is entertaining! All the actors have given incredibly terrible and over the top performances. Really dumb and corny, making the movie more entertaining. I can appreciate the basic ideas for 4 & 5, movies which I didn't really like. This doesn't even have that sort of an idea! Every idea that has been put in it are the wrong ones. And those wrong ideas are implemented in the worst way possible. . . Conclusion : All of the things I liked about it are absolutely wrong for a movie like this, but more appropriate for a parody of the same. Freddy's past is shoehorned like anything, and if you're in a serious mood, this movie is infuriating as hell. You need a right time to enjoy the atrocity of it. I do like it for all the wrong reasons, but in all seriousness, even I would say "F" THIS MOVIE!


Score : 2.2/10

Grade : F
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