1 November 2019
I liked the acting, I liked the sets...I especially really liked the (Rick from the TWD look alike lol) man who played Peter.

That said, something totally took me out of it...why on Earth is John a black man? John was JEWISH..not black, and Mary is also black in the show??? WHY?? Look, if you come with the "well Jesus wasn't a blonde haired blued white guy either!!" I am with you on that...so is the answer to make it MORE inaccurate!? I really don't care one way or the other about what skin color an actor is...but when you're going to portray a "historical" event, it's unfair to those who were the real people to have their character be remade to fit into a modern politically correct culture. None of the Apostles were black...SO WHAT!?!? They weren't "white" either, or Asian...should be make one of them Asian just for the sake of modern cultural feelings?? One of the main truths I've found in the Bible is that what we FEEL and THINK are often wicked, and all that matters is the TRUTH. Yet in a Bible show...we are putting feelings before truth? Ironic.

So yes, I take issue with black actors as Apostles...and guess what? I also take issue if anyone casts Jesus as a blonde Norwegian man. Because I am not playing favorites...I want accuracy.

I'm sorry if this issue seems nit-picky...but this really is a much deeper issue than many see it as. We destroy history for the sake of peoples feelings in current times. "I don't like what happened, so let's pretend it didn't". That'll work great......
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