Review of Roxane

Roxane (2019)
A clever idea not well developed
7 November 2019
I've seen this movie twice now in a few days. It's certainly enjoyable, and Guillaume de Tonquédec is most certainly winning as the not particularly verbal hero who finds his voice in the character who spoke for those who could not speak for themselves : Cyrano de Bergerac (at least as Rostand portrayed him in his masterful 1897 verse drama).

Unfortunately, however, the clever idea behind this script is not well developed.

A much better movie about the plight of France's small farmers is *Au nom de la terre*, which came out just a few months after this movie. A better recent movie about individuals finding their voices in classic French literature is *Alceste à bicyclette*, in which two actors find a way to give voice to their feelings by reading Molière's classic *Le Misanthrope*.

Don't miss this movie, certainly. It's enjoyable to watch. But don't expect a lot of it.
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