Not a bad Christmas movie. I do hope they release this in the UK!
7 November 2019
This is a CGI-animated short film based on a book called "The Lonesome Pine", which I've never heard of before. It's interesting that the producers of this film decided to not make it feature-length, as we've seen too many of those.

Sadly, the company who produces this hasn't confirmed a UK-release yet, although I do hope they do soon, so my opinions come from the trailers.

So anyways, the story is about a Welsh girl who grows a talking Christmas Tree but gets taken away, so she and her grandpa decide to get it back. I'm sorry to say, but the plot is very cliched, it's very similar to other indie-Christmas flicks I've seen.

The CGI looks okay for 2019 standards, although there are some parts which do look a little cheap. I know it's not Disney standards, but they could have done a bit better.

Surprisingly enough, even though the short film is American, the voice actors are British to keep it faithful to the original source material. The main stars of this movie are Jonathan Pryce (from Game of Thrones), Simon Pegg (Co-writer of the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy) and Jason Anthony (former Playhouse Disney UK presenter turned voice actor). They all do a great job at keeping the British vibe of the movie with their voices.

Overall, this looks to be a decent short film. The cliched story-line doesn't effect the overall the quality and the voice actors do a great job voicing their characters. It's not the best Christmas film, but it's definitely not the worst.
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