Underrated Bergman film
11 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I know "The Serpent's Egg" is considered one of Bergman's weakest films, but I found it to be an atmospheric, immersive portrait of the dreary, hopeless post-WWI Berlin ("Go to hell!" - "Where do you think we are?"), as well as a moving story of two lost souls whose only companionship in the whole world are each other (Carradine has gotten a lot of flack for this performance, but I thought he was just fine; Liv Ullmann is exceptional). The middle of the movie doesn't seem to go anywhere, and there are perhaps a few too many tacky cabaret numbers, but the climax is riveting, thanks mostly to a magnificent, chilling performance by Heinz Bennent. It's worth the wait, and the whole movie is definitely worth a look. *** out of 4.
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