52 Pick-Up (1986)
JUST OKAY - (6 stars out of 10)
13 November 2019
The stage curtains open ...

When I saw that this movie was based on an Elmore Leonard novel and that he had a part in the writing of the screenplay, I knew this was one I had to watch. Despite the appeal, the snazzy title, and the strong cast, "52 Pick-Up" doesn't quite measure up to expectations and leaves a little to be desired. The other problem with this film is that it really hasn't aged all that well.

Harry Mitchell (Roy Scheider) has a successful and innovative industry and his wife is well known in the community and is running for city council. Things are going well in his life ... until. One night, he comes home to find 3 masked men waiting for him and against his will he is forced to watch videos they've collected over time that is undeniable proof that he is having an affair. To keep things quiet and from ruining his wife's chances at office, he agrees to pay their fee of $105,000. But when he changes his mind and goes on the offensive, events are set into motion that will take them all past the point of no return.

I watched this one once years ago when it first came out and found it to be rather drawn out and boring. Now, over 30 years later, I decided to give it another chance. I'd forgotten most of what happened and thought that perhaps having the perspective of an older person, I might appreciate it more. After watching it again, I still found it to be rather drawn out and boring. Yet, I found I did appreciate it more. Had this film been made today using Elmore Leonard's script and forward acting, I think it would have been a much better film. Hence, why I feel it did not age well and seemed rather dated.

This wasn't a bad movie. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, but I also wouldn't warn anyone against it. It is a decent crime film with good performances. It was fun to see Kelly Preston in an early role, and Vanity when she was at the peak of her popularity. I may or may not watch this one again. Perhaps if the mood strikes me.
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