Ichi the Killer: The Anime
15 November 2019
This anime acts as a prequel to Takashi Miike's infamous live action film. It shows how bullied school boy Hajime Shiroishi comes to discover his violent side; something that will lead to brutal murder and him being institutionalised. When he is released he has no memories of what he has done, and has the mind of a six year old, but others plan to find a way of using his violence for their own needs and making him 'Killer Number One'.

If you haven't watched the original film, or read the manga, this anime is unlikely to appeal too much; however if you liked the film this is well worth watching. Be warned though it is disturbing at times. The animated violence might not be as extreme as the live action film but it is made more disturbing by the fact that it is made very clear that Hajime is aroused by extreme violence. There is also violent sex in a couple of scenes. The story is interesting enough but at forty six minutes in length it feels a bit rushed; apart from Hajime the characters aren't particularly well developed. The animation might not be of the highest quality but that roughness seems to suit the material. Overall I'd only recommend this to Ichi fans.

These comments are based on watching the animation in Japanese with English subtitles.
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