Actually its bad but not that bad
15 November 2019
Ok so its a low budget horror so set your sights at the appropriate level and your review skills.

Its actually a fun horror with a lot of humour and a very weird setup. Some of the creatures are actually quite unusual like the snails and the pig creature as well as the setting and many of the scenes are just bizarre which adds to the overall fun of it all.

Yes its bad but actually it has some quite ingenious ideas and settings and I have to admit I found the art itself to be very interesting and unusual which gives it another star alone. The acting is ok and is in tune with the film which does not take itself too seriously; unfortunately some of the reviewers have taken this movie seriously as pure horror which it is not and its tongue in cheek style and over the top gore which is well done. Even the end credits show the writers have a sense of humour - I know once the film is over most people just get up and leave but I always stay with my bruvv to the very end and glad I did as the credits were as funny as the film with all 30 of the snails getting a credit as "speedy" and many others get wacky credits - see if you can spot em all - it almost gets an extra star for that but the overall fun of it all lets me give it a well deserved average 5/10.
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