It's much better than people are saying
17 November 2019
This movie has unfairly gotten a lot of hate, and I honestly can't see why. Well, ok, that's not exactly true. A big part of it is that it came out during a time where Lohan's career was at an all time low and the public pretty much hated her. That hatred was projected onto this movie, and so people began to hate it by default. I even know people who claimed they "hated" it when they hadn't even seen it. You can't make that claim without watching it first.

The movie has a pretty interesting premise. It's a murder mystery involving twin stigmata. From what I've heard, however, most people were expecting some kind of twist at the end where it's revealed that the twins are actually the same person. When the movie didn't go that route, people were upset. That seems to be another reason why people primarily hated the movie. Personally, I think it was smart not to do that. Twin stigmata in movies is not something we've seen that often, but movies with a plot twist like that have been something we've seen a thousand times. The fact that so many people thought that's what would happen proves that. So people were upset that they didn't have some grand twist. Instead, the movie gave you exactly what it promised and was exactly what it was made out to be. Simple, but still good.

Overall, I say to give the movie a chance. Ignore the hate you've heard about it and go in expecting it to be what it is, a simple murder mystery involving twin stigmata. Is it a masterpiece? No, of course not, but it's still a pretty good movie that will keep you entertained for an hour 45, and that's perfectly ok.
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