You'll be visited by three... Oh, wait, you'll be soundly asleep long before then...
21 November 2019
This 2018 horror anthology was nothing extraordinary, and it is not really one that I can recommend that you waste your time, money or effort on. And it is definitely not a movie that will be a Christmas time horror classic, that's for sure.

The stories told in "All the Creatures Were Stirring" felt mediocre and half-hearted at best. In fact, it was so mundane and tedious that I gave up halfway through the movie. I just couldn't take anymore of the torment.

The acting in the movie was adequate, although the actors and actresses were struggling with the fact of having a lack of proper script, storyline and interesting characters. So it was a losing uphill battle for sure.

There really isn't any continuity or structure to the stories, so it is essentially just a random mash of collected stories told in a less than entertaining manner. This is one of the biggest flaws that this anthology had to it.

In between the various stories is some atrocious theatrical performance that just makes you cringe.

"All the Creatures Were Stirring" is an anthology that came and went without leaving anything of a lasting impression. And I have no interest in returning to finish the last half of the movie, simply because it completely failed to entertain me, and much less captivate me.

My rating for "All the Creatures Were Stirring" is a mere three out of ten stars, solely based on the production value and the effort they put into that.
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