Holiday Hearts (2019 TV Movie)
New take
24 November 2019
On the one hand, this movie is like a check-off list of Christmas tropes. Snowmen. Cookie decorating.. Decorating the tree. Present shopping. A pending job that will take one of the leads very far away. Old flames where one left abruptly. A (different) loved one stranded far away. Even someone fell off a ladder. And so on. (At least it didn't have the we're-going-to-lose-the-family-business.)

On the other hand there are two aspects of the premise that combined are unusual. One, not quite so much by itself - a nervous event planner with her big opportunity, even if it is her parents inn. The unusual one (at least I don't remember many) is the leads being thrown together to take care of an unrelated little girl for several days and then doing Christmas traditions with her. What a great way to bring the leads together in close quarters.

When I saw Ashley Williams and Paul Campbell listed for this movie, I knew I wanted to see it. (Even though I usually watch all of Hallmark's premieres on either channel.) I love Williams' joy de vivre. She lights things up on the screen. Campbell is always solid. Of course they connect and the story gives them plenty of time to explore their relationship. And as usual with a child central to the story, the three also have chemistry together. Payton Lepinski is delightful.

Dialogue is lively but a little less than remarkable. Most of the movie looks like it is on sets, so it doesn't have the breathtaking scenery that some Hallmark movies do. There is one beautiful indoor scene. The soundtrack has decent Christmas music, some of which is generated within the story, but no performances.

There weren't any huge conflicts, unless you count Ben's pending job, or Peyton's stress over the party. There is a small touching event near the end, but it is totally predictable so it lacked a little kick in that regard.
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