The Santa Suit (2010 TV Movie)
A very enjoyable genre film.
30 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A workaholic businessman discovers there is more to Christmas than a dollar. This simple premise has been adapted to countless Christmas films and plays. Disney made a famous variation with their "The Santa Clause" in the early 90s. In that film a businessman becomes Santa after a chance encounter with the elf. This film, "The Santa Suit" is a riff of that film. This time the businessman is forced to have the appearance of Santa.

Kevin Sorbo portrays the businessman Drake Hunter. Drake gives the appearance of a ruthless, dispassionate man who in his words built the business his father founded. Hunter Toys makes mostly cheap, breakable toys that are probably made in China. They also make a Princess Doll which is the only high quality product they manufacture, which is the last remnant of Drake's father.

Drake offers store santas the chance to receive a commission based upon the sales they make when encouraging children to buy Hunter's toys. The real Santa observes and places a curse or blessing, depending on your perspective upon Drake. Drake must look like Santa until he has learned more about what Christmas is supposed to be about.

The film permits Drake to slowly grow into his role as Santa. We get the impression that he really isn't a ruthless tycoon as much as he is completely separated from real human emotion. He mentions at one point that he has almost no friends or family who care whether he is missing. The film realizes that the pursuit of money is often a substitute for a lack of connection with someone else. Even when Drake realizes he can earn money on the commission arrangement he proposed earlier, he doesn't do so after spending time with the children who don't want cheap garbage.

Sorbo plays Drake early with the acerbic tone low budget film fans are used to seeing. As an actor, he doesn't display a great amount of emotional range when he becomes Santa. It works in the context of this film. A man not used to much human contact wouldn't automatically warm up to anyone, child or not. He settles into a more relaxed version of himself, which is the most jolly a high strung man can be.

Despite its budgetary limitations and lack of originality, "The Santa Suit" is an enjoyable genre film. A good script and a good actor are good enough.
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