Hair Love (2019)
Very sweet...and beautifully animated.
5 December 2019
Matthew Cherry's book, "Hair Love" is a very sweet story. So sweet that a Kickstarter campaign was organized to turn the children's book into a short film. Amazingly, they were able to get the services of Sony Pictures....hence the gorgeous animation in the short. How they managed to get such a big, quality production company to make the film, I have no idea...but it's the sort of thing I'd like to see more of in the future.

The story is simple. A black girl has dreams of all sorts of wonderful hair styles for herself...but her hair is a huge and unruly mess. Her father has no idea how to style the hair...and fails miserably. However, he eventually learns from a blog how to make his daughter beautiful. Then, you learn more about the man, the girl and their family...

I loved the story for three main reasons. As I mentioned above, the animation is terrific. The second reason is that the story is so sweet...and it is bound to capture your heart. And finally, there just aren't that many animated films about non-traditional girls...and many people of color have felt left out because of this. A nice film with some nice role models about some formerly marginalized people....and done in a way that isn't heavyhanded in any way. Well worth your time...and available for free on YouTube.
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