The L Word: Generation Q (2019–2023)
What the F word with this backlash? The L Word is back and it's not bad at all!
30 December 2019
The L Word changed my life. I was a very confused 14 year Colombian girl living in a very small city with my very Catholic family. I was not old enough to watch the show but fk it, I finally understood why I felt out of place and I didn't "get it" when my friends talked about some "boy being super hot". I realized that I was, and I am, lesbian. I know the show ended up being crap. But we can't let the bad things overshadow what this show meant, and still means, to people like me.

My girlfriend and I were afraid of watching this new generation, we were afraid of watching a disaster even worse that what ended up to be the original show. We were afraid that "The L Word", the lesbian word, would fall in the background. I am not against the Q generation, but I do feel that we lesbians all around the world are losing great spaces like for example: all women, lesbian bars. I love that today, people are not afraid of putting on, or not to putting on, a label. But we need The L Word right now more than ever. You can see for yourself. Search how many lesbian bars have disappeared all around the globe in the last 10 years, it's sad. There are just a couple left.

I just watched the first 2 episodes and I feel so happy. I am feeling like a teenager, watching the show on mute with the captions on, every Sunday at 11pm on school's nights. Feeling scared and happy at the same time. Waiting the whole week just for that one hour of television where I could watch women like me. We did exist! I was not the only one!

I think the choices they made with the old characters are great. I think this new show is very smart and it keeps the essence of the first seasons of the original one. I am very happy with this transition.

I really want this show to succeed. I want to know more about the old characters, I want cameos. But also, I want to know more about the new characters. I am very excited and enjoyed the hell out of these episodes.

Yeah, the show is silly sometimes but it doesn't take itself too seriously and shouldn't we. This show was and still is groundbreaking, it's tone varies but the message is very clear.

I am very glad Jennifer, Leisha and Kate did this. And I am so happy that they are the producers and have a lot of creative power. They can't let Ilene Chaiken ruin this again.

Watch it. I was not going to to do it because of the reviews and that is so stupid. Just give it an opportunity.

I love this cast, they have great chemistry.

This show is not about fixing the mistakes made in the past. They can't resurrect Dana and, they actually did a great job with the Jenny line was more than enough to end that mess.

I hope to get a lot of more seasons. Why the LGBTQ+ community hates the LGBTQ+ community so much?

Like for real. I don't get why anyone can be pissed at this show. Just don't watch it if you don't like it but you can't say it's not a great deal for our community and for us, lesbians.

Lesbian, from Lesbos. The origin of the L word is beautiful. Read about Sappho, read her poems. We should be proud of it and we should celebrate it.

We need more shows like this. Visibility is our best allied, don't forget that.
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