The Birdcage (1996)
Who knew politics could be so funny? This movie had me laughing from start to finish!
8 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
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The GOOD: The casting in this movie is so perfect it still baffles me. Yes, Robin Williams is great in everything. Gene Hackman, is great is everything. But you put these two in a movie together and they do an incredible job of sharing the spot light. Each character has a memorable line, and an amazing interaction with the two flag ship actors. But Hank Azaria steals the show hands down. He is so funny in this movie, that I would watch a solo movie based on his character. I would really like to see a cooking show with Agador at some point. looking at you Netflix.

You can't talk about how funny everyone is in this movie without mentioning the set designs. The sets, give so many opportunities to the actors to just explore their characters. Every shot of the club is fantastic! I feel like I'm watching a drag show every time it comes on the screen. Not to mention the apartments transformation from gay couples home, to boring drab pad is sensational.

I have to talk about the direction as well. Working with an A-list cast means you have to let them run with their instincts, and that's exactly what happened. Not to say everything wasn't planned, but I'm sure half of what Robin said was not scripted, or Nathan for that matter.

The BAD: I'm not sure what the cinematographer was thanking for a few of the shots. It looks like the lens is just fuzzy. I understand he's trying to convey the scene that this takes place in Florida, but when is Florida fuzzy? The costume designer already conveyed the message by putting everyone is a Pepsi commercial from the 1980's.

The ending is left open with no idea whether or not the senator approves of his new family. We also don't get much of a reaction from Katherine, who is presumably seeing her son for the first time. She had more of a reaction when she saw Aramand for the first time in 20 years. Val also doesn't have a real reaction to meeting his birth mother for the first time, other then to just point out the huge sacrifice his parents are making by putting on this facade for the senator.

But the worst thing by a mile is the plan its self. You mean to tell me they couldn't just reschedule the meeting of the parents? If they did they could of had more time to either train Albert to be a man, or make the house "straighter". Even the senator could of had more time to deal with his campaign issues. A simple phone call and apology to say, "I'm so sorry we wont be able to make it this weekend to meet you. Things just took a major nose dive this week and I must stay here to clean up the mess."
  • Senator Keeley to Armand

Also, if the senator ate candy when he's stressed wouldn't he be 400lbs? Being a public official, in any capacity, is a very stressful job.

Now all that being said, this far and away one of my favorite movies of all time! Nathan Lane, Robbin Williams, Gene Hackman, and Hank Azaria are just phenomenal in these roles. One of the funnest moments in cinema history is when Robin is trying to teach Nathan how to act like a "straight guy". Also, Gene Hackman in a dress left me speechless, not to mention the way they exit the club, as a whole, at the end.
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