This movie is probably the worst Kung Fu show, ever!
10 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This review has spoilers but dont worry cause I'm trying to save 2 hours of your life. It's not freaking worth watching, I'll tell you that.

Firstly, the script sucks. No dialog that is of substance. I thought the script writers went on strike or something cause You could practically count hows many times the character spoke in the movie. That's house stingy with words this movie was. It must have been painful to act in this Charlie Chaplin kung fu show, I'll tell you that too.

Then, the movie totally does not have any linkages with the Storm Raiders - I mean where is the palm and kick kung Fu skills that they learned in the first show? no sign of that at all in this movie. Ima

What they have instead is a bunch of dumb sword moves which are so freaking slow with no skill whatsoever - honestly, I feel asleep, AT THE DAMN FINAL FIGHT SCENE!! How i stayed awake that long was nothing short of a miracle.

Then, I don't know where storm and wind got their new squeeze. Those 2 ladies are pretty, and they were there to slow down a freaking movie which was already a damn drag.

There was no continuation whatsoever. You can safely assume that all the guys in the first movie who survived, are dead - for whatever freaking reason you like. All the new characters in here... fell from the sky.

In the first movie, cloud's Kung fu was the cloud palm (cheesy, but I can relate) and wind's kung fu is the windy kick. This show, not only they totally didn't use their existing Kung fu, their new kung fu is called - hold on to something cause you'll might kill yourself falling down laughing - the ba sword move (for cloud). Ba as in ba ba black sheep kinda ba. What a stupid name! Oh and for wind, he's new Kung fu is called the devil in disguise - all you need to do to learn this kung fu us go for a dumb petroleum onsen somewhere in the mountains. What a freaking joke. No practice needed man.
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