Chopping Mall (1986)
Chopping Mall (1986)
12 January 2020
Directed by Jim Wynorski. Starring Kelli Maroney, Tony O'Dell, Russell Todd, Barbara Crampton, Nick Segal, Karrie Emerson, John Terlesky, Suzee Slater. (R)

Unimposing security robots run amok after hours in a mall; a pack of oversexed youngsters alternately get knocked off and fight back. Surprisingly slick low-budget production makes the most out of its dollar, but offers no frights or tension, and precious few laughs (intentional or otherwise). Amateurish acting is expected, but the repetitive nature and lack of camp value once the rampage starts makes it a drag. Guilty of false advertising, too--the robots have several methods at their disposal for upping the body count, but none of them involve chopping (the movie was originally titled "Killbots"); plus, the cover/poster promises far more ghoulish gore than it delivers. Some T&A, an exploding head, "Have a nice day," but little else to enjoy in this turkey. Produced by Julie Corman (Roger's wife); it's nice to see B-movie mainstay Dick Miller show up for a bit part, at least.

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