The Kill Team (2019)
Stop here if you like a good war movie that makes you think. Definitely a 7 !!!
22 January 2020
The topic has been tackled before with the likes of Charlie Sheen and Michael J. Fox covering the main character's role. This time the narrative is more realistic and, frankly, more believable regarding how a young man thrown in the midst of such a scenario could react. As pointed every time before, it all boils down to whether you betray the unquestionable loyalty the pack (you want to be a part of) expects from you, or ignore your conscience. This time the latter choice is also backed by the seemingly incontrovertible logic the Sergent tries to drill into our guy's mind - when it tells him that the US Constitution considers guilty of Treason whoever gives aid or comfort to an enemy, a crime punishable by death (Art.III Sec.3 is real, even though it might be argued that Treason doesn't apply to citizens of another Country, but that's beyond this review).

As the story rolls on, the atmosphere and characters development are supported by pretty good acting and cinematography. Where the movie falls short, imho, is in devoting a bit more time to depict the kind of mental and, possibly, physical abuse a young guy in that situation probably has to endure. That would put his actions and the whole unfolding of the story in a more complete perspective, giving the viewer a better chance to identify himself with the character and decide whether to be more or less sympathetic.

In any case, good food for thought and definitely recommended viewing.
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