Panther (I) (1995)
"Professional Critics" show their ignorance
7 February 2020
I am white. I watched this movie and found it to be intense and amazing. Very, very good - both acting and intensity. It showed what it was like back then and the Black Panther movement from an African-American point of view. The "Professional Critics" like on Rotten Tomato don't get it. They don't understand the African-American culture and the many events that brought about the Panther movement. While I never condoned the violence that the Panthers did, this movie explains many things to people that never really understood who they are and why they did what they did. The white cops back then - across the country - were indeed like that and many of these "Professional Critics" probably never took the time to read their Black History, or try to understand the African-American culture then and now! White privledged "Critics". Please! Before you "professionals" comment on a movie made from documentation, and ACTUAL events, and is well acted by all involved, and extremely well written by Mr. Melvin Van Peebles should have been nominated for an award - but alas, the "white critics" who know nothing, trashed this movie without taking the time to UNDERSTAND the movie. I guess they wanted something that made them comfortable like "Mary Poppins" maybe? What this movie, be open minded, try to understand the who and the why the Panthers were born and try to understand the rage back then. It wasn't pretty, but it was real - so is this fantastic and "in your face" reality movie. Watch, learn, understand and never forget. The same issues are happening today. If you forget history, you are bound to repeat it and we are repeating it TODAY!
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