Review of Accident

Bottom: Accident (1991)
Season 1, Episode 6
No more Bottom for me.
8 February 2020
The only clever thing about Bottom is the name for each episode, each title making an amusing two word phrase when paired with the word Bottom. Everything else about this programme is dumb. Not dumb fun, just dumb. It's imbecilic and childish and so chronically unamusing that I'm extremely relieved that this is the last of this series.

In episode six, it's Richie's birthday, and he has sent himself loads of cards in the post because no-body else cares. He's also arranged a birthday party, but no-one has accepted his invitation, leaving Richie (Rik Mayall) to celebrate with flat-mate Eddie (Ade Edmonson) and his two pals Spudgun (Steven O'Donnell) and Dave Hedgehog. Having broken his leg while hanging decorations, Richie finds that his suggestion of a game of sardines proves problematic, especially with the other party-goers content to leave the birthday boy hiding while they get drunk and watch TV.

With cartoon violence, urine drinking, testicle flicking, and gags about 'doing it', this is the same level of moronic as the other episodes. I won't be watching series two or three.
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