If you like the book you will not like this film.
26 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So I watched this tonight because I was bored. Maybe I should watch it again when I'm not bored but as a fan of the book, which is hauntingly brilliant. I am legit so annoyed by this film.

They made it because they could but I honestly don't believe the director or the producers (or even the actors) truly knew what they were dealing with.

It's meant to be tense at the very least but it kind of felt like; scene, scene, scene, scene. Let's move this plot along people!

I enjoy Taissa Farmiga but Merricat was all wrong here. She is disturbed certainly, but her tics (the movements she chose to do) felt completely out of place. It was the wrong way to go with this character.

For example; in the book, everyone in the town is very wary of Merricat and thinks that she, and her family are weirdos,(Which to be fair to the town, they are) but the movie goes out of its way to show just how strange she is by adding a fun quirk!

On a film like this you shouldn't have to make the character do "weird" things to get this point across. It should be clear enough anyway. Taissa is normally great in scary movies but because this wasn't even spoopy it just fell flat for me.

Alexandria Daddario felt completely out of place for me as Constance. You are meant to feel pity/empathy for her (well I always have in the book - for taking the fall for what your sister did. Constantly worn down by people. Constantly chasing her uncle and Merricat around. Afraid to do anything wrong. Just constant anxiousness and worrying about the household and cleanliness. Constance always had weight behind her character.) and it just feels like in this she's just there to move the story along. I didn't feel anything for her character other than "oh she's on the screen again".

Crispin Glover (whom I love) felt completely underutilised with this role (understatement for the entire film) and it's just sad to see him involved in this.

And Sebastian Stan...


"10/10 Sebastian was great!"

**I am saying this AS A FAN OF HIS.**

**This is not how movie reviews are meant to work people!!**.

Almost all of the 10/10 reviews of this movie mention him. He isn't great in this. He just isn't, and the movies isn't great just because he is in it. It is okay to call out bad acting and bad movies. If you only lump praise on people, well you get movies like this. If you can't see that this is a bad movie because you are blinded by your thirstiness, go outside.

This was not a good film because he looked cute in it.

His character who is domineering and powerful and scary in the book, is just ...meh. literal embodiment of meh.

I felt nothing for his character. I felt no tension. It feels like the producers said "Sebastian's cute. Alexandria's cute, let's get them to star in this gothic horror, it'll be greaaaaaaat!:.

Honestly what odds are there for Merricat to come up against here with this version of Charles? He played Charles as: *obvious bad guy* with alterior motives from the begining.

-I kind of wish they had made him wear a long thin mustache so that he could twirl it. That would have at least been hammy enough to keep me mildly entertained.-

Sebastian also looks LEGIT bored the entire time he is on screen which kindof (REALLY) pulls you out of the film and this, sadly, is already a boring, forgetable film that could've been great if it had had the right people who cared enough to make a great film, rather than just a film, behind it.

Not surprised they pushed this one out hoping no-one would have noticed.

Honestly don't think i'll watch this again.

Everyone please do give the book a read though! It's not particularly long and it is super atmospheric, spooky and very thought-provoking. Everything this movie should have been but isn't.

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