Quatermass 2 (1957)
They may have elaborate Invasion Plans, but we have the Luck of the Irish!
18 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe people giving this movie scores of 8 and 9 out of 10.

The worst thing about this film is its script, which blunders from one completely unsubstantiated assumption to the next on the part of our protagonist in constructing its slapdash story. But also pretty terrible is its heavy reliance on coincidence for the good guys to succeed in their quest--namely to thwart an invasion of the Earth by an alien landing force.

There are so many points in the story where dumb luck--for example, having an experimental rocket in danger of destroying itself in a nuclear detonation warmed up and ready to fire on the launch pad--works in our heroes' favour. There's very little they actually plan and execute to win the day.

Fortunately for us, the aliens are completely incompetent at 1) shooting guns and 2) maintaining any kind of perimeter on their own base.

Also lucky for us is a mob of drunken St. Patrick's Day revelers who spring into action in defense of our planet.

I'll admit that this film does have a certain air of paranoia that reminded me of of the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but it isn't a patch on that classic. Its occasionally spooky atmosphere doesn't come anywhere close to making up for its failures in storytelling and weak production values.

I wouldn't waste my time.
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