Not what I expected - and not in a good way.
22 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You'd think with a name like "Sleeping With My Student," the movie would be about, I don't know, a woman accidentally sleeping with a student and trying to avoid the information getting out. I was expecting him to sneak around and do some blackmailing and seem obsessed with her, but the plot of her sleeping with a student seems to take seat to the main plot - and then comes in at the very last minute when it really doesn't matter.

Acting was absolutely horrid that it was really tough to focus on the movie. I thought that maybe it would be like that in the exposition and the rest would be fine and get better, but it was too hard to stomach because it was like that in the entire movie. Movie was extremely boring and had no world building. I knew nothing about the town or environment they were in, which made the acting stand out even more. Awkward silence between characters in the first class scene was incredibly suffocating. Not mention how weird Ian was when he was first introduced in the movie.

Gina showed no signs of having a crush on Ian other than that one scene where she talks about losing her virginity to him, and they never come back to it - showing they only mention it for the convenient of the plot. She wasn't really shown being jealous throughout the movie, talking to Bree about him, etc. She just shows up out of the blue to confess her love to him so that the mom would have some way to know where to find Bree. Movie never tells us why Bree stutters when she gets nervous - does she have some sort of condition? Who knows. Bree is also supposed to be 17-18. I usually hate when movies cast adult-looking people in the role of teenagers, but Bree looked like she was basically 13. Despite being 17-18, she has no common sense and seems to have a terrible judge of character.

Also, despite Ian being a bad guy, having a principle plant contraband in a student's locker is such an unethical thing that I didn't expect from the leading lady's character. But then again, she slept with a young guy without knowing his age. Conveniently, he turned 18 some time ago before the events of the movie.

Lastly, we never find out of the mom knows about her son, or what happened to her husband. Not only that, she looked way to young for 17 years to have passed. They could've did a better job with making her look older, especially since she seemed to be a smoker from what I was getting in the first scene.

All in all, don't watch this movie if you don't want to waste your time. I'm upset that I won't get those 2 hours back. The twist was the only thing that was interesting, which only happens at the very end of the movie.
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