Birds of Prey (2020)
If you get an A-list star don't use a B movie formula
22 March 2020
I heard a lot of bad reviews before seeing this movie. Many said that they tried to lessen Harley Quinn's sex appeal and that was why it did poorly. While I could see why some may say that, I still think Margot Robbie brings the sex appeal anyway and that is not a problem. This movie suffers from several problems but that is not a horrible faux pas though, let's face it, Harley Quinn is a comic book character and sex appeal is the main sticking point for her character. I am being extreme gracious by giving this a 4 and that is because Robbie is always great to look at and may have been the only one not fully ruining men and women's Harley Quinn fantasies.

The biggest problem here is they took Margot Robbie who they expected to bring in A-list movie bucks but they used a really bad B-movie formula. Most of the movie is a Jason Statham or Jackie Chan movie. Nothing wrong with those guys but this is not Jason Statham Fast & Furious franchise but Jason Statham when he was second fiddle to Jet Li in the Hong Kong movie scene. It is not Jackie Chan in Rush Hour, but the Jackie Chan in multiple movies years prior to Rumble in the Bronx and only seen well after they had already been released. You have Margot Robbie who is about the hottest girl in Hollywood next to Samara Weaving and everyone else is the nameless faceless, non-acting Hong Kong movie scene. She deserves a cast and crew that makes big movies not this dribble.

Speaking of bad B-movies... Ewan McGregor has been living off the fumes of his one good movie, "Trainspotting," forever. He was in the horrible Star Wars prequels that everyone wishes were never made. To be honest, this was likely his second best role though he did once get to play act next to Scarlett Johanson in a forgettable movie before. The problem is you saddled him with a relatively unknown character and if you are going to make a comic book villian at least give him a mask that will challenge that of a middle school kid with $5 and a ride to Michael's arts and crafts. Rosie Perez? Are you kidding? She hasn't been in demand since "White Men Can't Jump!" If you wanted grandma as the bad ass female cop you could have probably sprung for Betty White instead.

Even though Suicide Squad was bad, you can't expect this pile of slop to haul in big dollars when you went out to get a quality purebred race horse like Robbie, but then saddle her with Hong Kong B-movie everything else. It doesn't help they made the name of it so long know one will waste time trying to remember it. You use the Hong Kong crew when you can't get play and roles in Hollywood. They make some semi-watchable action flicks that from time to time rocket ship a few stars to Hollywood big time movie fame. What you do not do is get your big time Hollywood superstar and send her to the minor leagues if you are expecting gold at the movie ticket office.
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