Good enough
9 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief: Deleted Scenes" is a pretty long title, but it includes the two crucial pieces of information what this one is about, namely the title of the movie this is associated with as well as the fact that here wwe have scenes that did not make it into the final cut. It is a pretty long movie at almost 2 hours, so you could think these scenes are really not too good, but I would disagree. I liked what I saw here and actually these slightly under 15 minutes made me a bit curious about the actual movie directed by Chris Columbus and the latter worked on some other films I like, so I could say "made me even more curious" as well. Maybe I haven't checked it out yet because the genre is not necessarily one of my favorites, but even there this collection of snippets delivered. Thurman's character's snake hair is like the coolest thing ever admittedly. Apart from that, the main focus is on the less supernatural scenes this film has to offer, scenes that feel as if they could have been taken from a high school comedy as well. It's alright. A healthy mix I'd say. The only thing I am struggling a bit with here perhaps is that the protagonist does not feel as likable to me as I would have preferred it to be the case, so this could actually also be an obstacle for me in wanting to check this one out. And I am pretty skeptical if they can really successfully depict things in a way to accept that there is divine blood in his veins. Really skeptical there indeed. But Columbus has made the zero-to-hero idea work with Potter too, so why shouldn't he manage the same here. Overall, this collection of deleted scenes gets a thumbs-up from me here. No matter if you have seen the film or (like myself) haven't (yet), this is a pretty enjoyable thingey. Go for it if you get your hands on it and if you have the Blu-ray anyway, then you should not miss out especially. Not a must-see, but it's worth it.
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