The Magician: Illusion in Terror (1973)
Season 1, Episode 3
The First Good Episode
11 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is pretty standard, and it's not hard to see the "twist" coming. And Tony's interaction with the Hispanic boy is highly stereotypical. Of course the boy wants to be a cowboy, and Tony gives him a paper sombrero. Ah, the 70s when we were all younger.

And Max is highly skeptical of Tony's belief that Joanna is still alive and there's something fishy about her death. Even though two Syndicate hit men tried to burn Tony to death, and the Oregon police are acting suspicious by tossing Tony in jail until he escapes.

But Bixby pulls off some decent romantic chemistry for the first time, albeit with his real-life wife, Brenda Bonet. Although writer Walter Brough "cheats" a bit and lets Tony do some big stage illusions in his workshop to befuddle the bad guys, it's still an impressive finale. There's lot of little bits of magic that Bixby performs throughout the episode, and he's charming (even if horribly racist; of course the American Hispanic boy speaks Spanish! and Tony just assumes he does) with the Hispanic patient. And Bixby effectively portrays Tony's desperation at losing the love of his life. Even if they play the "Oh, he just can't accept her death" card a bit too late in the episode, after they've already shown him (and us the viewers) that there's something hinky going on. Start with unacceptance and build from there, Mr. Brough. Instead of going the other way around.

Overall, a decent episode, and the first one I remember from the show's original run. But that's just my opinion, what do you think?
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