Review of Possessed

Possessed (2000 TV Movie)
Possessed with a Passion
11 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going through a Timothy Dalton phase so I decided to go ahead and watch this film even though I try to avoid movies such as this as much as possible. I have never seen The Exorcist not do I care to. I do not get into movies which only attribute is the scare the daylights out of you.

However I have to say that I was very intrigued by this plot and to see Timothy Dalton in such a role. Once I saw a clip or two I knew I had to see the entire movie from beginning to end.

As a Christian, not a Catholic, I believe strongly in the Bible and the horrifying idea of demonic possession. Studying the background of the story it is left up to your own imagination weather the young boy, 14 years of age not 11, was really undergoing a demonic possession of his soul and body.

However, I thought the acting in this movie is superb on all fronts even to the fact that the priests we're not holier than thou. The character of Father Raymond who stated in the chapel, "Sometimes we try to be better then Him," meaning of course Jesus, was a very wise statement for all religious people.

According to the Bible only the name of the Lord Jesus Christ can force a demon to remove itself from someone. I was very pleasantly surprised and happy with the final statement by Father Bill before demanding the demon to leave the child. He finally had made his appeal to the Lord personally.

Timothy Dalton has been a fine outstanding actor to study and this film is no exception. I lost looking at Timothy Dalton, and I was enthralled with a character Father Bill and his personal PTSD as well his strength and determination to overcome his personal problems for the sake of the child's soul. He became the character.

And I have to give a lot of kudos to the child actor who played Robbie. That kid was an amazing young actor but I hope that experience did not scar him. It was such a horrifying part to play.

Good job all around.
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