Sacrifice (2019 TV Movie)
Love it!
18 May 2020
I have read a lot of hate for the movie Sacrifice. I would like to make a simple point as I am no expert on writing movie reviews but I watch a lot of movies to know the difference between the bad and good ones.

Sacrifice is a good beginning with the potential of becoming a great series. Sacrifice was made into a movie with hopes that it garners enough interest to be brought back for a series. This is the reason why the plot is non-existent and presents several characters as well as events with no resolution.

Now what should have been done was to just make this a series right out of the gate. My assumption here is that that powers that be were either afraid to do so or had not made the decision of whether the series idea should be developed further.

With so many drama based series that are about to do about nothing. You have a high profile entertainment lawyer that by any means defends her clients by virtually toeing the line of the law and ethics. Paula Patton plays this role to a tee.

I understand as a movie fan you want a plot and by the end a resolution but Sacrifice is a just a taste of its real potential. So this is my plea to the powers that be please makes this a series or you will continue to have haters regarding this movie but I truly get what you were trying to do here, so just finish it!
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