Four Star Playhouse: To Whom It May Concern (1953)
Season 1, Episode 18
31 May 2020
For viewers less experienced than normally excellent reviewer Hafer, TWIMC amounts to a highly suspenseful half-hour. Can Niven retrieve the incriminating letter to his employer that will determine his fate. Ironies abound as he tracks its course, from mailman to post office to boss. It's like trying to chase down your prospects for continued breathing, while so many of life's little frustrations pop up in the way. Except here, the frustrations assume life changing proportions, as we sweat along with the desperate Niven.

In fact, the actor gives an effectively understated turn that keeps focus on plot rather than emoting. All in all, the white-knuckle upshot surprised me by not being an expected conventional one. I expect there's a moral involved in the upshot, but in my construal it's a flimsy one. See what you think. Too bad 4 Star hasn't gotten more recognition as a sometimes unconventional series in an otherwise conventional decade. Happily, this entry provides a riveting slice of corkscrew suspense.
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