"chalk" it up to the performances
2 June 2020
I should start by noting that I've never read the book on which "The Chalk Garden" is based. My interpretation of the movie is that we shouldn't try to suppress our true character. Laurel is undeniably herself, but then there's the thing about the governess.

Hayley Mills was known for "cute" roles by this point, so her role as Laurel was a real departure; the character reminded me of Parker Posey's character in "The House of Yes". Deborah Kerr naturally turned in a solid performance as the governess. John Mills as the dad didn't make much of an impression on me, but Edith Evans (in an Oscar-nominated performance) as the grandmother is enough to chill anyone's bones. Director Ronald Neame went on to helm "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie" and "The Poseidon Adventure".

All in all, worth seeing.
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