Mellow Giallo
6 June 2020
A cop (Leonardo Treviglio) has a domestic dispute with his wife Sara. Sara is murdered by a black gloved serial killer and he becomes the suspect.

Directed by Lamberto Bava who is no stranger to Giallo films this a run of the mill stalk and slash mystery. Bava was said to be sickened by the film so much so that he went to doing more fantastical fare like 'Demons'.

This film has all the hallmarks of good Giallo: black gloved killer, surprise twists, gory violence, nice photography, sexy women and a great score by Claudio Simonetti (who scored some of the music for Argento's 'Opera'). As a whole it just feels a bit sort of generic and lacks the magic spark of films like 'Suspiria' and 'Blood and Black Lace' have. I'm not sure why as from a technical viewpoint it is top rate. The cast are veterans of the genre with Valeria D'Obici,Leonardo Treviglio and Lara Wendel being some of the names.

Maybe it's just personal preference why I find it lacking something. Perhaps the violence while undeniably nasty isn't really shocking. Maybe it's not sleazy enough for me. The storyline not that compelling. That said I can see Giallo and Euro-Horror Fans fans lapping this up, but not the casual "gore film" viewer.
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